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About Network Devices

On the "Network Devices" page you can add and manage network devices like SNMP switches and PDUs. A detail page for each network device is available, further details can be found here.

Supported Devices

  • All switches that can be accessed via SNMP.
  • TELEJET web resetter (Digi One SP).
  • PDUs:
    • APC (generic)
    • APC cPDU
    • Sentry 3 PDU
    • Sentry 4 PDU
    • Dell rPDU
    • CyberPower ATS
    • CyberPower ePDU 2
    • Enlogic
    • Inter-Tech
    • Racktivity
    • iPoMan
    • AZE PDU
  • KVM over IP switches:
    • Raritan Dominion SX 1
    • Raritan Dominion KX II
    • Raritan Dominion KX III
  • Advanced Switch Management:
    • Juniper Junos (version 10.0 and newer)
    • Arista EOS (version 4.14.5F and newer)
    • Cisco NX-OS (device is supported if it does support JSON on the CLI, i.e. show interface | json)
    • Dell OS 10 (device is supported if it does support XML on the CLI, i.e. show interface status | display-xml)

Network Devices Table

The table provides an overview of the devices you have added. In addition to the data you entered, the status, operating system, and version are shown.

In case of an error, move the mouse cursor over the "X" to get details about the error.

Add a new Device

  • Click on "Network Devices" in the sidebar to open the network devices page.
  • Click the plus button to open the "Add new Device" dialog.
  • Fill out the form (the form may differ depending on the selected device type):
    • Remote Agent: Select which agent should be used to address the device.
    • Device Type: SNMP switch, PDU or TELEJET.
    • Device name: The name is up to you and should be something you can easily identify.
    • Hostname / IP: Enter the hostname or IP of the device. If you insert a hostname, the hostname must resolve to the device's IP.
    • SNMP Community: The SNMP community.
    • SNMP Version: SNMP v2c + v3 is supported.
    • Features: Only selectable for some device types.

After you have added the device, you can assign device connections to servers.

Advanced Switch Management

When adding a SNMP switch, the option "Advanced Switch Management" is available. The supported vendors are listed above. Enabling this option allows you to:

  • Enable/Disable interfaces
  • Change interface descriptions
  • Assign access and trunk VLANs to interfaces
  • Create and update VLANs
  • Assign L3 IPs to VLANs
  • Activate VLAN automation
  • Custom Events

More information about the automation features can be found here.


SNMP Switches: Bandwidth Accounting

If you enable the "Bandwidth Accounting" feature, Tenantos will collect bandwidth usage from each port every 5 minutes. The data is stored in InfluxDB.


SNMP Switches: "Flip in/out traffic"

If this option is not enabled, the traffic is technically displayed correctly, but this is usually not desired. Outgoing traffic from the switch is incoming traffic from the server's point of view, and vice versa. It is recommended to enable this option so that the incoming and outgoing traffic is correctly represented and not being swapped.

The option is pre-checked when adding an SNMP switch.

Enable this option to cache the device's ports/interfaces listing. This leads to faster response times for the port listings during port assignments. As the list of ports usually doesn't change, this feature is generally recommended because it typically carries no disadvantages.

The cache updates every hour and can be manually cleared by clicking the 'Update' button, without the need to change any data.

The option is pre-checked if available.


Network Devices List Add Network Device