Time & Date
Default Timezone
The default timezone is stored in newly created user accounts.
Default Datetime Format
The default datetime format is stored in newly created user accounts. It defines how the user interface shows the datetime format (e.g. hhss).
UI Settings
Precheck redirect checkbox on add server
Precheck the "redirect to server page" checkbox when adding a new user.
Precheck redirect checkbox on add user
Precheck the "redirect to user page" checkbox when adding a new user.
Precheck delete VPS on backend checkbox
Precheck the "Delete on Hostsystem" checkbox when deleting a virtual server.
Network graphs: Display summary by default
By default, the extended statistics that include a summary of the selected time range for 95th percentile, average mbit, transfer volume, and current data rate are hidden. You can display this information by clicking the "Show Summary" button.
To expand the statistics by default, activate this option.
Network graphs: Display 95th percentile line
To display a 95th line in the network graphs, activate this option.
Don't allow duplicate external provider assignments
Enable this option to ensure that external provider assignments are unique. This allows identical item ID assignments only if they are managed by a different external provider account.
For instance, this option ensures that the same Proxmox server cannot be assigned multiple times. However, if you manage two Proxmox accounts with servers that have the same ID, servers with the same IDs can still be assigned since they are managed by different external provider accounts.
Don't allow duplicate IPMI IPs
Enable this option to ensure that each server has a unique IPMI IP address. This allows duplicate IPMI IPs only if they are managed by different agents.
Don't allow duplicate DHCP MACs
Enable this option to ensure DHCP MACs are unique per agent. This allows duplicate MACs only if they are managed by different agents.
Open dialog during requesting server console
The server console is opened in a new tab, which could be blocked by popup blockers. By enabling this option, an additional dialog (modal) opens when a console is requested, which contains a direct link to the console.
Connection assignments: Don't show already assigned items
Enable if already assigned items (e.g. a switch port) should not be available in the item-selection dropdown of other servers.
Admins: Allow power actions during PXE boots
This feature enables the execution of power actions by admins through the 'Power Options' button while a PXE boot is in progress.
Users: Allow power actions during PXE boots
This feature enables the execution of power actions by regular users through the 'Power Options' button while a PXE boot is in progress.
This option is not recommended for regular users, as they could potentially restart the server during installation, thereby putting the successful completion of the PXE boot at risk.
Censor IPMI passwords
Three modes are available for selection:
- Show IPMI passwords in clear-text.
- Hide IPMI passwords and censor them in API responses.
- Mask IPMI passwords with an option to reveal.
RDNS Automation
Delete RDNS entry when removing IP assignment
Deletes the RDNS entry when you remove an IP assignment from a server. Using the next option, you can replace the entry with a default value.
Set default RDNS entry after removing IP assignment
This feature lets you reset the RDNS entry to a default value. Besides static text, you can use the following variables:
- {reverseip} - IP will become
- {reverseipNoArpa} - IP will become
- {ip} - Replaces {ip} with the IP address. E.g. {ip} becomes
- Leave the input field empty to remove the RDNS entry.
You can combinate multiple variables, and you can use the same variable multiple times (e.g. {ip}-{reverseip}
RDNS entry verification mode
Verification mode when the RDNS entry is being updated. Possible values:
- Valid domain, but must not resolve to IP.
- Valid domain and must resolve to IP.
- Allow all strings.
System Settings
IPMI-KVM NoVNC Docker container deletion mode
Available options:
- Delete unused containers after 5 minutes (Default)
- Delete unused containers as fast as possible
Docker containers are terminated when they are no longer in use. The default setting is to delete them after around 5 minutes. Some IPMI vendors may only allow one KVM connection at a time, leading to new sessions only being available after previous sessions have ended. The main benefit of the default mode is that the same NoVNC window can be re-opened for up to 5 minutes.
Alternatively, a quick deletion mode is available, where containers are removed within seconds after the user disconnects. This is useful to solve the above described issue, but it also means that the same NoVNC window can only be re-opened for a short time (which is generally not a problem).
Web IPMI NoVNC (admin): Use stored IPMI account
If enabled, Tenantos admins will use the IPMI account stored in the IPMI connection details for the NoVNC session, rather than generating a new user with the privilege level specified in the IPMI connection details.
Web IPMI NoVNC (non-admins): Use stored IPMI account
If enabled, non-admins will use the IPMI account stored in the IPMI connection details for the NoVNC session, instead of generating a new user with the privilege level specified in the IPMI connection details. This setting can also be overridden on a per-IPMI-connection basis.
Web IPMI NoVNC (admins): Hide IPMI credentials
If enabled, admins will not see the IPMI credentials in the NoVNC window. This is not recommended, as automatic login to IPMI might not work, and if the IPMI web session expires, admins will need the login credentials to log in to the IPMI web page again.
Web IPMI NoVNC (non-admins): Hide IPMI credentials
If enabled, non-admins will not see the IPMI credentials in the NoVNC window. This is not recommended, as automatic login to IPMI might not work, and if the IPMI web session expires, admins will need the login credentials to log in to the IPMI web page again. This setting can also be overridden on a per-IPMI-connection basis.
NoVNC: Disable IP verification
If enabled, anyone knowing the unique URL token can access console sessions from any IP. For security reasons, it is highly recommended to leave this option disabled.
Hardware inventory callback IP validation
When activated, this feature verifies the IP address of the server during the retrieval of hardware details through the hardware inventory shell script. This ensures that data callbacks are only accepted if they originate from an IP address linked to the server. This verification step prevents the acceptance of hardware details from a server whose IP does not match those on record in Tenantos, thereby eliminating the risk of storing incorrect hardware data.
In other words: If you accidentally run the hardware inventory shell script on the wrong server, the system will prevent the storage of hardware details. This is because the origin IP address won't match with the server's IP assignments in Tenantos.
Enable VLAN automation when deleting a server
If enabled, the VLAN configuration for the server's interface will be automatically reset (e.g., all VLANs will be removed), provided that the switch management functionality is available.
This feature performs the same steps as when deleting the last IP of a server and carrying out VLAN actions. This means that the VLANs are removed from the switch port, the L3 IP may be deleted from the VLAN if it is not used by another server, and so on.
To understand the steps this setting performs, delete the last IP of a server and use the dry-run feature.