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About IPMI

Tenantos supports various server connection types, with IPMI being just one of them. However, due to its widespread use, IPMI has its own dedicated documentation.

For further information, please refer to the following documents:

Frequently Asked Questions

Can IPMI be on a private network?

Yes. IPMI connections are delegated to remote agents. If the remote agents can reach the IPMI network, the IPMI connection will work.

The IPMI console (Java or IPMI login) is displayed via NoVNC. Your clients do not need direct access to the IPMI network.

Which IPMIs does Tenantos support?

  • Power management: All IPMIs are supported.
  • Java Consoles: Tenantos supports nearly all IPMIs where technically possible. More information can be found here.
  • IPMI Web Interface Logins: Tenantos supports all IPMIs, even those which only support TLS 1.0 or 1.1.
  • HTML5 consoles: Tenantos supports all IPMIs via a login to the IPMI web interface.